The Brief » Menstrual cramps

Orgasms and Other *Interesting* Cramp Remedies
Cramps seem like an inescapable fate for many people who have periods every month. Over...

Understanding Dysmenorrhoea (Menstrual Cramps)
We all have those ladies in our lives who just "don't really get cramps" and we applaud them and their happy pelves. That said, for many of us having menstrual cramps, is a normal, albeit unpleasant, part of the period experience.

What’s the Deal with Craving Carbs During Your Period?
It happens like clockwork each month. The moment your period begins, you start a lusty ...

Menstrual Delights: Baths for Period Pain (P.S. They Burn Calories)
There’s nothing like a hot bath to help you unwind, relax, and even to cool your cramps...

MG Asks: Is Drinking Alcohol on Your Period a Bad Idea?
As with many external factors like stress and smoking cigarettes, drinking booze can have an impact on your menstrual cycle. This is because alcohol can temporarily increase your levels of estrogen and testosterone.
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