The Brief » weight gain

The Weight-Period Connection: How Your Weight Affects Your Menstrual Cycle
Your menstrual cycle (aka Period) is a complex process that is regulated by a varie...

5 Reasons Why You May Experience Weight Gain During Your Period
During the second half of your cycle, before you start bleeding, you can gain as much as ten pounds. There are a handful of medical and lifestyle reasons for this weight gain. Let's go through them.

How To Cope When Your Period Changes Affect Your Weight Loss Efforts
Figuring out hormonal imbalances isn’t a one day fix. While you may get lucky and find the solution quicker than others, you also may find yourself playing with a lot of new changes to find what your body responds to best. For some, a simple supplement to correct a sudden vitamin deficiency will do. For others, a higher intensity of activity might be required to see lasting changes and progress. At the end of the day, you need to give yourself permission to fight the battle mindfully- and with plenty of time.
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