Myth Busting: 8 Birth Control Myths That Need to be Busted

In the sphere of women’s health, harmful myths abound. For birth control, these myths can lead unplanned pregnancy, among other issues. To set the record straight, let’s bust eight birth control myths in dire need of busting.
1. If you’re breastfeeding, birth control is not necessary
This myth is actually one of the primary causes of unexpected pregnancies. The real deal is that exclusively breastfeeding your child and not giving them any supplemental formula can stop the pituitary gland from releasing hormones that make you ovulate. If you breastfeed once in awhile and rely on infant formula as well, then make sure you’re on birth control.
2. Birth control pills make you gain weight
According to a 2014 study, there’s no sufficient evidence proving that patches and pills could contribute to weight gain. A 2009 study, published in NCBI, revealed women gained weight while using the Depo-Provera shot.
The truth is, weight changes on birth control depends on the various prescriptions that women get from their doctors. Women tend to react differently to the methods they use. Some ladies gain weight, others shed a few pounds.
3. One needs to take the pills at the same time each day
This misconception has put most women on their toes. In reality, it does not affect the efficacy of the pills. This is applicable only when you’re on the mini pill, a pure progestin that is used by a limited number of women. Most women use the regular pill, a blend of progestin and estrogen.
4. IUD is only for women who have had kids
If you’re looking for an effective birth control method, IUD is a great option since it has proven to be 99% effective. However, many people think it’s only used by women who have already given birth. This is false. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, this type of birth control is recommended for young women due to its effectiveness.
Initially, some IUDs were bigger, which was why it was previously only recommended for women who have given birth. This is because their uterus has expanded, making it easier for the implant to be positioned. Since recent IUDs (Skyla) are smaller, they can even be implanted in women who haven’t given birth (like many younger women).
5. Prolonged use of birth control pills makes it difficult for a woman to conceive
This is one of those birth control myths that has scared many women who were trying to embrace family planning methods. Apart from Depo-Provera, most birth control methods do not interfere with your fertility. Do be sure to consult with your doctor.
6. Condoms lessen the pleasure men feel when having sex
A lot of people don’t take this seriously. Different from the rest, condoms are the birth control method that does not interfere with hormones and a lot of couples enjoy having sex with condoms, claiming nothing changes when there is no condom. Pleasure can come from a multitude of factors.
7. Your body requires a break from birth control methods
There is no truth to this claim. You can regularly use your preferred birth control method for as long as you wish (obviously not when you are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant). Long term use of birth control is totally safe. That said, the Depo-Provera shot is an exception as it may cause mineral loss in the bones. The FDA has advised that women should only take the shot up to 2 years. For long-term use, this may seem like a financial burden, but based on our research at Cost Freak, you can often acquire contraceptives for free, which is really great news.
8. The new forms of birth control are not safe as the old ones
Many people say that current birth control methods come with more risks and dangers, unlike the old options. This is not true; it’s the other way around. For the most part, birth control is totally safe (as long it’s right for you), and newer methods come with fewer hormones and are much safer than the choices available before.
To ensure you won’t encounter problems with your chosen birth control and that you select the right method for you, it’s always best to consult your doctor.