The Brief

Underwear for Teens: A Guide to Comfort, Confidence, and Body Positivity
Let's face it, navigating the world of teen undergarments can be confusing. Your body i...

The Weight-Period Connection: How Your Weight Affects Your Menstrual Cycle
Your menstrual cycle (aka Period) is a complex process that is regulated by a varie...

Fertility in your 30s & 40s: What you need to know
If you're a woman in your 30s or early 40s, chances are your fertility has already cro...

The Mind-Body Connection in your 30s & 40s: How Mental Health Impacts Menstrual Health
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to underestimate the profound im...

Understanding Your Pelvic Floor: Its Impact on Daily Life, Bladder Health, and your Period
What is the Pelvic Floor?
The pelvic floor is a vital but often overlooked part of the ...

Period De-Coding: All About Period Blood Consistency
Periods change throughout our lives and even from month to month. Sometimes they’re heavier, sometimes they disappear altogether, sometimes they turn up at the most inconvenient time, or in a weird shade you’ve never seen before. Their consistency can change, too.

5 Reasons Why You May Experience Weight Gain During Your Period
During the second half of your cycle, before you start bleeding, you can gain as much as ten pounds. There are a handful of medical and lifestyle reasons for this weight gain. Let's go through them.

Real Talk: Living With an Ovarian Cyst and Learning to Listen to My Body
It was about 2AM on a Thursday when I started to feel a throbbing in my lower abdomen. The sensation didn’t hurt, but as I was listening to my body, I knew something was wrong.

All About Endometriosis: Stats & Facts from the Endo Foundation
It is important to remember there is no cure for endometriosis, and that everyone’s treatment plan looks different. Living with a chronic pain condition can be overwhelming, but please remember that you are not alone.

What Exactly is a Low Sex Drive and What Can I Do if Mine is Low?
There’s no objective way to measure your sex drive, as everyone is different. Some peop...

Why Is Talking About Our Periods Uncomfortable? Let's Change That.
Periods are one of those things where discussion is a gamble. Some people are completely grossed out by the subject matter and while guys make up most of that audience, even some women are afraid to go into detail on the topic; but, why?

Everything You Need to Know About Period Acne and How to Treat it
Premenstrual symptoms are a delight, aren’t they? As if mood swings, breast pain, exhaustion and migraines weren’t enough, period acne (typically along the jaw or under the chin) can be another charming sign that your period’s about to arrive.

Orgasms and Other *Interesting* Cramp Remedies
Cramps seem like an inescapable fate for many people who have periods every month. Over...

Understanding Dysmenorrhoea (Menstrual Cramps)
We all have those ladies in our lives who just "don't really get cramps" and we applaud them and their happy pelves. That said, for many of us having menstrual cramps, is a normal, albeit unpleasant, part of the period experience.

9 Foods & Drinks You Should Probably Avoid on Your Period
For many of us, premenstrual cravings are just a part of life: our estrogen levels dip ...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Bladder Leaking
Bladder leakage, also know as urinary incontinence, is not just a condition for new moms or those in their older years. Bladder leaking is an extremely common condition which occurs for a variety of reasons. The condition happens when your muscles become too weak to constrict the urethra and support your bladder.

How To Give Yourself a Monthly At-Home Breast Self-Exam
With an estimated 252,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer expected to be diagnosed in 2017, it has never been more important to be sure you are checking your mammaries every single month. According to Johns Hopkins, “Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” Giving yourself a little feelski is serious business, so be sure to make it count because it could just save your life.

Here's Why You're So Tired On and Before Your Period
Periods are a pretty under-researched phenomenon, so not all of the exhaustion we feel around that time of the month is fully understood. But there are a few factors that seem to make matters worse. Here are some of the most common – and what to do about them: