Menstrual Delights: Best Crime Shows to Binge Watch During Your Period

When the red dawn breaks, a good TV binge of crime shows can be a great help. The intensity, the drama, the gory details, it’s an entertaining escape from the heavy weight of all your period problems.
The internet is crawling with gritty crime shows; it feels like new ones pop up every day in the Netflix feed and we’re certainly not complaining. Because when it’s that time of the month, don’t you just want to be an armchair detective with a lap full of snacks?
Here are some of the best crime shows to watch during your period:
The Killing
Nothing like brooding alongside Sarah Linden as she fights the good fight. Seattle’s dreary weather speaks to our soul. And there’s handsome Holden to lighten the mood if things get too gloomy.
It’s easy to get bogged down in the brutal slog of policing, but Sherlock’s cruel wit (he says what we’re all thinking) cuts the tension every time, providing comic relief in even the most somber situation.
Don’t expect any brevity here, but just buckle up for a ride through the darkness of London’s grimy streets with Luther to make sure you get home safe. He’s moody, just like us.
Happy Valley
Take a jaunt through the West Yorkshire countryside with the coolest copper around, Catherine Cawood. She’s super tough with a big heart, pushing limits, bending rules, and simply being the best.
The Fall
See crime from all sides in this tale of terror and confront your own humanity as you maybe root for the bad guy (he’s dreamy), then quickly go back to the good side (because Scully). Play both sides, indulge in the darkness, it’s you time.
Marcella is the newest heroine to crime solve her way into our hearts. She makes mistakes (big ones) just like we do, and that’s nice. But she also kicks ass and brings bad guys to their knees.
It’s a small list, but a good place to start. It’s almost as if you’re now looking forward to your period this month, so you can begin the binge. Almost.