MG. Memo: Why We Partner with Days for Girls

We care about you and making that time of the month a little less stressful. That’s why we started this company, because you’ve got better things to do than worry about running out of tampons or pads at just the right moment. We’re here to help.
We’re also committed to giving back, to helping empower and educate young women across the world because there are countless girls and women in need. These individuals lack access to proper feminine care products and, due to this, they suffer isolation and indignity during their periods.
That’s why we partnered with Days for Girl.
Days for Girls International is a non-profit devoted to creating a more dignified, humane and sustainable world for girls. They achieve this through advocacy, reproductive health awareness, education and sustainable feminine hygiene.
As they put it so eloquently, “Women and girls discover their potential and self-value, are equal participants and agents of social change and are given opportunities to thrive, grow and contribute to their community’s betterment while ensuring quality sustainable feminine hygiene.”
We share DFG’s vision for a brighter future, one in which, every girl and woman in the world has feasible access to quality sustainable hygiene and health education and we are dedicated to their mission of making that a reality by 2022.
With each box of products purchased by giftees like you, you’re giving a day to girls in need. That’s one day worth of femme care products that Monthly Gift. will donate to Days for Girls in an effort to support its global mission of empowering young women everywhere.
And we think that’s pretty cool of you.
Find out more ways to get involved and help the Days for Girls mission.