Real Talk: I'm Super Horny During My Period

Real Talk: I'm Super Horny During My Period

I am in a menstrual malaise. My lower half is throbbing in spasmodic pain, while my breasts respond in agony to the slightest breeze that passes by. I feel like the least sexy woman in existence and quite possibly as bloated as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. So, why the &$%@ am I so horny during my period?

Interestingly enough, science has studied this phenomena (everyone needs a break from really serious research, right?) and they haven’t found a concrete reason. Arousal is a very personal thing, so for every woman that is horny during her period, there is another that would sooner hear a concerto of roofing nails on a chalkboard. Based on the best possible medical conclusions, here are a few reasons you are so down with doing the wild thing while Aunt Flo is in town.

Blame it on the Hormones

There are several hormones punching the clock during your period. While others are sloughing lining and preparing for ovulation, others are taking some PTO. Among the vacationing hormones are progesterone and estrogen. Progesterone is your natural libido buster, and it is at its lowest during menstruation. Estrogen, also a sex suspender, is at its lowest as well. While they are laying low, you aren’t so sexually restrained by your hormones.

The SEX Hormones

Since those hormones are taking some time off, testosterone and estradiol (the primary sex hormone) are at their peak during this time. Testosterone is usually associated with males, though females have it in their bodies too. Testosterone boosts sex drive, which is why you may hear a very randy man referred to as “a walking penis” or “full of testosterone.” Either way, now it is coursing through your body and you are ready to share your metaphorical cookies. Estradiol is also giving you the nudge toward frisky behavior.

It’s psychological too

While most women are in the mood for amore during ovulation (our bodies basically demand it as part of biological predisposition), some are interested in period sex for exactly the opposite reason. Psychologically women know it is nearly impossible to conceive a child during menstruation (it can happen, but is very rare). Women who are not yet ready to be mothers may feel like they have a free pass (but still play safe) and this reduces some anxiety, letting them be less inhibited and enjoy sex that much more.

Because it also just feels really good…

All of the action in your nethers can also influence you to want to hit the sheets (or the car or the nearby ice cream shop bathroom – no judgement!) during your period too. There is increased blood flow and lubrication in your vagina. You are more swollen and sensitive there, and basically, it calls more attention to the area. Orgasms are usually more intense during this time of the month as well due to heightened sensitivity. Orgasms also release oxytocin, which is the body’s natural pain reliever, so it helps with discomfort and cramping. Oxytocin also makes us want to be cuddle bunnies, and hey, who doesn’t want a snuggle when you’re feeling achy?

Regardless of the reasoning, when you are jonesing for some downstairs action during your period, go and get ya’ some! It is perfectly healthy, reduces discomfort, and intercourse actually speeds up the process. If you are rocking it solo, “love” yourself like Kanye loves Kanye and enjoy.

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