Fangirl Friday: 4 Ways to Volunteer and Help Women

Fangirl Friday: 4 Ways to Volunteer and Help Women

While it may shock some of my friends now, I had a pretty religious upbringing. Catholic school, Sunday choir, altar serving, really just the whole kit and caboodle. When I was in 7th Grade, volunteering a certain number of hours was made mandatory. I rolled my eyes as any good wants-to-be-slightly-bad tween would, but really my mom had been exposing my brother and I to the power of donating our time for a few years at this point.

I haven’t remained as consistent about it as Sr. Anne would have liked, but now as a young adult I still like to help out here and there as I can. Since I’m too broke to write the fat check of non-profits’ dreams, I try to donate something that helps in its own way – my hangover-less early Saturday mornings.

Here’s a few organizations that do great work to help women and that could always use an extra hand or dollar:

Dress for Success – I love Dress for Success. Since its inception, the non-profit “continue(s) to empower hundreds of thousands of women on their path to financial independence,” by offering a bevy of services related to the all-consuming job hunt. You can work in their career centers giving resume tips and doing interview practice! You can mentor on the individual level! You can help with administrative tasks at local offices or help out at special events! No matter the amount of time you have to give, there’s a chance for you to be a part of it. Don’t have time or money to offer? Donate your gently used or new and never worn business attire!

eGirl Power – Think of it as Dress for Success, but for the younger set. eGirl Power aims to start making a difference earlier in one’s development, advocating heavily for education with the aim of gender equality. The group puts on a substantial number of events and speaker series and is always looking for more mentors and potential speakers. You can work a youth summit or workshop, host a field trip to your place of business, or assist with their virtual programming.

Planned Parenthood – For a lot of young women, Planned Parenthood offers their only chance at real sexual health education and services. While many know that PP can assist with STD testing, birth control, and, yes, abortion options, PP also offers pap smears and screenings for breast cancer. Depending on your experience level, you can apply for a gig working in advocacy, or help out in a more administrative position.

Women in Need – WIN NYC provides housing and related services to women and their children in times of homelessness. Operating for 30+ years, the non-profit attempts to help women break the cycle of poverty for themselves and for their children by giving them the tools they need to pursue financial independence. You can volunteer in the main office, or help out with their numerous after school programs. While WIN is based in New York, there are similar programs in cities around the country who share the same focus and goals.

There are tons of other places that could use your extra time. Pick a cause close to you and your heart at Volunteer Match and get started today!

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