LISTEN UP: Six Podcasts to Help Motivate Your Mornings

You know the feeling: your alarm goes off, it’s 6am, and you remember you have to go to work today. Before you slip into that familiar dread, try tuning into a motivating podcast; it just might be the perfect solution for your weekday blues.
We’ve put together a list of our favorite podcasts that help to get us out of bed, on the road, and ready to conquer the day ahead!
“The Lively Show” is a weekly podcast “designed to add a little extra intention to your day.” Hosted by business coach and self-made success Jess Lively, the podcast provides career and lifestyle guidance to the go-getter female. With Jess creating and sharing content while she travels the globe, you’ll be able to escape the everyday and be inspired by her adventures.
Described as “self-help for people who hate self-help,” “Help me Be Me” is a podcast created by Sarah May B about her personal experiences of hardship, and how she’s managed overcome these challenges and make positive changes in her life. Full of practical tools to help you overcome a variety of emotional trials, this podcast is perfect if you are stuck in a slump and needing some inspo and insights into what direction to take to get on the road to happiness.
A podcast that embraces the classic concept that we’re all in this together, “Heroine” explores the life journeys and success stories of female creative leaders and risk takers. Hosted by women’s leadership coach and writer Majo Molfino, there’s an emphasis on females in innovative fields such as science and tech. Molfino also works to debunk the idea that success happens overnight. If you’re a creative who’s trying to become a leader, this is the podcast for you.
We’ve read the book, we’ve seen the TV show, and now we’ve got “GirlBoss Radio” - hallelujah! Each episode has founder Sophia Amoruso interviewing successful, boundary-pushing women who have made their mark (and their fair share of mistakes). Guests range from Hollywood actresses to CEO’s and former aides at the White House, humanizing the known and championing the unknown. Prepare to feel inspired by the journeys of some of the most successful women of our generation.
“Make it Happen” is a career based podcast for “curious, big-hearted, purpose-driven creatives.” Hosted by mentor and coach Jen Carrington, this is a place to find ideas, insights and conversations about building your business and reaching your full potential. Jen shares her nuggets of wisdom and engages in soul-searching convos, all while encouraging listeners to do everything on their own terms, their own way, and by their own rules.
We get it: sometimes you don’t want career advice before your morning coffee, but have no fear, that’s where “Betch Slapped” comes in. Hosted by the comedic authors behind the NY times best-selling books “Nice is Just a Place in France” and “I had a Nice Time & Other Lies,” the podcast covers topics which range from celebs, politics, movie recaps, boy advice *insert eye roll emoji*, news you might actually give a shit about and everything in between. If you’re looking for some light-hearted entertainment when life gets a little too heavy, get ready to be “Betch Slapped” cause this is the podcast for you.