Say Hi Spotlight: Bridget May, Founder of Little Green Bee

When you’re surfing the crimson wave, it can seem like those PMS symptoms may never pass. But thankfully there are a plethora of solutions available for women today—both super common and rather unfamiliar. Say Hi is out to make the latter highly familiar. As the only online destination to discover an edited assortment of modern cannabis products, Say Hi partners with incredible companies to help spotlight their cannabis based fare and educate us about its immense value—companies like Little Green Bee.
Little Green Bee was founded by Bridget May, a botanist and chemist who discovered the medical benefits of cannabis and turned that interest into an awesome company that offers an array of beauty and health products aimed to ease anxieties and improve wellbeing. (Yes, please!) We had the opportunity to chat with Bridget about her path, her work and what drives her as a badass female founder in an ever-evolving industry.
What inspired you to start this company?
I was never a big pot smoker because I’m so sensitive to THC and have had one too many experiences where I ate a ‘tiny’ piece of a brownie at a party and found myself unable to speak or stand. Party fail! Then I had a roommate a few years ago who told me about CBD (cannabidiol), its anti-anxiety effects and how it could counter the effects of THC. I was intrigued. I started doing research and realized for the very first time that medical cannabis wasn’t just for cancer patients (or stoners) and the more I read about it, the more I realized cannabis could be the answer to many of the medical concerns that we suffer from on a daily basis. I’d always wanted to start my own business, partially for the chance to quit my career in the pharmaceutical industry, and mainly as a way of helping people. Suddenly, I was inspired to try!
What are some of the major obstacles you’ve faced in your business?
I think the changes that have occurred since Prop 64 passed in California have been a big obstacle to many small businesses. Prior to its passage, here in SF, small manufacturers were able to work out of their home under local cottage laws as long as their gross receipts didn’t go over 50K. But when “adult use” became legal a lot of regulation came with it and we’ve all been scrambling to find manufacturing space that is properly zoned with security and all the bells and whistles. The cost of rent plus all the licence fees are quite high and it actually ends up being a bit of a barrier to entry into the market for the little guys. We at Little Green Bee are hopeful that we will make it, but we will probably need some investment in order to be competitive. Granted, regulations are good for the safety and efficacy of the product, but it definitely costs a lot to get into this industry now and there is a–not completely unwarranted–fear that the ‘Philip Morris of cannabis’ will soon take over putting many small farmers out of business.
How do you navigate the process of educating your customers about such “new” products?
I actually rely heavily on partnerships with other educational forums such as Say Hi, as well as craft fair-type events where we can talk one on one with the customer to explain the uses and benefits of cannabis topicals and other non-traditional forms of cannabis. It is incredibly rewarding though! People are so excited to learn and it’s thrilling that new scientific studies are coming out all the time to make that process easier. The science is there to show that cannabis has healing capabilities that sometimes surprises even me!
You’re a botanist and chemist by trade, when did your interest in the medicinal uses of cannabis begin?
I’ve always loved making my own lip balm and lotions and I’m a big believer in herbal supplements. I actually take a lot of western herbs such as Chaste tree ( Vitex agnus-castus ) and Black Cohosh ( Actaea racemosa ) to help modulate my hormones for PMS symptoms. When I started learning the scientific basis for how the non-psychoactive cannabinoids could compliment that AND that the topcial application of even THC could help my aches and pains without getting me high, I really started experimenting.
Are your products geared mainly toward women?
I would say that my products are geared toward anyone who has pain and inflammation that they need relief from, AND anyone who wants to fight the signs of aging in their face, which could be anyone. That being said, our Medicated Massage Oil is very helpful with menstrual cramps and easing tense muscles in general. I use the oil on my abdomen with a heating pad or hot water bottle and it is so effective!
What are the major health benefits of your most popular products?
As I mentioned above, Little Green Bee Medicated Massage Oil is great for pain and inflammation as well as for healing many skin ailments that can cause painful or itchy skin. It is loaded with beneficial ingredients such as chamomile, lavendar, calendula and comfrey in addition to a high concentration of whole cannabis extracted THC and THCA. Our High CBD Healing Facial Serum is one of our most popular products and is a way to soothe any inflammation on the face and neck while giving it a moisturizing boost of antioxidants to fight free radical damage.
As women we know the myriad struggles, physical and emotional, that come with PMS and getting our periods, how could your products help women during this often less than pleasant time?
Over the years I’ve noted that in the week or two before my period arrives, not only do I become moody, depressed and anxious, but I notice that my joints hurt and any aches and pains that I may have become amplified. It is a great time to slow down, give yourself a break and beware that the ligaments in women’s knees become looser and more at risk for injury. Not only do I use Little Green Bee Medicated Massage Oil for menstrual cramps, but during my “PMS aggravation week,” I will sometimes bring the oil to my massage therapist to use in an overall relaxing massage to mellow out some of that tension that’s been building. In addition, although Little Green Bee doesn’t carry these (yet), I recommend a micro-dose of a high quality edibles. Everyone is different, but I really get a lot of anxiety relief from a 2:1 ratio (CBD:THC) chocolate, gummie or tincture. If you have enough CBD in the mix you will feel very little psychoactive effect but still get the relaxing and anti-anxiety result.
Anything else you want to share with our community?
I love your website and business idea! I’m so happy to see that menstruation (the thing that happens to more than half the human population every month!) is finally becoming normalized and talked about freely. I grew up in the 80s and even then your period was not something that people talked about much and there was a lot of shame around it. It’s funny that ads always used blue liquid as a stand in for blood. Has that changed yet? 🙂 I also think it’s a really good idea to help women who don’t have access to even the most basic supplies. Thank you for your partnership with Days for Girls!