MG Summer Reading List: Thrills & Chills

Summer is upon us, with the promise of long sunny days on rooftops and beaches. It’s a prime opportunity to unplug and relax, and, if you’re anything like us, to read voraciously.
If you’re looking for suggestions on some thrilling and chilling summer reads, we’ve put together our MG summer reading list:
Handmaid’s Tale: This Margaret Atwood dystopian novel has experienced a resurgence in popularity since being made into a TV series for Hulu. Whether you’ve binged the show already, are planning to, or just want a fascinating and quick read with some incredible female characters who remind us why it’s so important to keep fighting, then this is your book.
Into the Water: Off the success of her thrilling novel-turned-film Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins delivers another gripping noir novel full of psychological suspense, and following multiple narratives as a town struggles to understand a series of mysterious drowning deaths.
The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and Peoples Temple: If you’re kind of into the darker things and don’t mind taking a literary wander in the weird world of cults (like us), then Jeff Guinn’s new book on Jonestown and its charismatic and maniacal leader, will hook you from page one and likely keep you up at night.
Lincoln in the Bardo: From visionary storyteller George Saunders, this novel (his long-awaited, highly anticipated first), will not disappoint. It’s dynamic and daring, telling the tales of 100 ghosts, left lingering in a cemetery. If you’re more of an audiobook kind of a reader, then you’ll want to check out this one as it features over 166 voices including some you’ll recognize (and love) like Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally.
What are you reading this summer? We’re very open to suggestions!